Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Enjoy Your Job Interview

I had a phone interview with Meridith from NetIQ tthis morning.  I enjoyed the conversation and I found myself thinking, I want to work for this company. It was refreshing to have an interview that didn't feel like I was a contestant on "Are you smarter than a 5th grader?"

She asked about my experience working in an Agile development environment and the challenges to integrate a documentation team into this development strategy. Sometimes development has taken Agile to mean we don't need documentation. With a focus on communicating with customers, soliciting feedback in an incremental manner exposes the need for good requirements and "targeted" end user documentation.

Not all features in a software product need to be documented. It makes little sense to have help explaining to a user to enter their user name in a field that is already labeled, "user name". If only we could apply some of this common sense thinking in other areas of life.

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