Friday, August 15, 2014

Massage and the Cancer Tumor

Brad Massage Therapist
I started massage therapy to treat a back and neck injury caused by a car accident. Dr. Gunther, the chiropractor prescribed massage treatments to help with neck and lower back pain. I visited Brad Clarke in his office and was available and started a massage treatment. My first impression of Brad was that he has an athletic demeanor. I mean he looks like an athlete. He has a solid looking frame and strong arms. I soon learned that he also knows how to leverage those arms to give good, consistent deep tissue massage. His knowledge of Qigong was very helpful for restoring range of motion and loosening up tight muscles. He has a gift for this work combining several complimentary techniques. I liked how he helped to balance each side of the body, for example, enabling me to lift legs with equal effort.

The tumor puts pressure on the lumbar spine and protrudes forward that can be felt around the stomach and intestines. Brad uses a technique to activate pressure points in the intestines. The process is a little painful but it had an unexpected effect. I could feel the tumor tingle and burn. I could feel where it was in my body, the size and shape. It still has a mushroom shape with the bell in the back and the stem protruding forward. I came home and laid down to rest. On one occasion, I felt all of the pain from leave for a short time and fell into a blissful restful state for the next couple of hours. I feel like the massage has helped to release the pain and to help me in my desire to restore my body back to normal. I would not have guessed that massage treatments would be so helpful.

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